Policy: Employee Evaluation (Classified/Unclassified Employees (4.9.2)




第1部分. 作品简介:
The State requires an annual evaluation of all classified and unclassified professional/supervisory employees. The performance assessment process includes: (1) a review of the employee’s current position description; (2) a performance management process, which focuses on continuous improvement; defines, 发展, 检讨及认可工作表现, 并支持个人, 工作组, and the college; and (3) a development planning process.

全球网赌十大网站 is committed to continuous improvement and believes that such an evaluation will help assure high quality services for students and will provide for the most productive utilization of public funds.

第2部分. 目的: In establishing a system for the evaluation of professional performance, we first begin with the assumption that 全球赌博十大网站 has excellent staff. We have further assumed that in order for a college or university to function, 要保持自由开放的气氛. This system will be a constructive one that builds on discovered strengths, 确保令人满意的工作表现, 并促进职业成就感和成长.

第3部分. 评估程序: The Human Resources Office will be responsible for notifying the supervisors of the time sequence of the evaluation. Both the employee and 他们的上级 share responsibility for the evaluation process and will work cooperatively to complete the performance appraisal.

The State requires that all classified and unclassified professional/supervisory employees have a current and accurate position description on file with the Human Resources Office. The position description should be reviewed annually during the evaluation process. If changes are needed, an updated 职位描述 must be attached to the 绩效考核. Generally, position descriptions should be updated at least every 3 years.

根据明尼苏达州法规第13章.04,再分. 2, employees are informed that the information collected through the use of the 绩效考核 will be used to document their performance on an annual basis. The information may be used in decisions concerning advancement, 重新分配, 未来的培训需求, 与绩效挂钩的薪酬调整, 作为有争议的纪律处分的证据.

绩效评估是法律规定的. Without it, there is no objective data on which to evaluate performance. 员工可以使用这些信息, 他们的上级, 人事主管, and other employees at the college whose job assignment requires access. Procedures and techniques used in evaluating employees shall conform to the ethical guidelines and standards for state employees as set by the Department of Employee Relations.

AFSCME的, MAPE and MMA contracts state that step or progression increases are based on satisfactory performance or service. Therefore, a performance review will be conducted in advance of the due date of a salary increase. Salary increases may be withheld for unsatisfactory performance. 必须通知员工, 以书面形式, in advance of the increase due date if an increase is to be withheld, 否则将默认批准增加.

The supervisor shall be responsible for completing the 绩效考核 form and discussing the assessment with the employee. 正式的绩效评级是在审查期间分配的.

The success of 全球赌博十大网站 is significantly dependent upon each employee demonstrating certain key work-related characteristics and competencies. Supervisors will obtain input from others who work with the employee using the anonymous and confidential on-line feedback survey. The on-line feedback survey allows the supervisor to evaluate how the employee is meeting the general definitions/expectations outlined in specific areas. The selection process for determining those who will have the opportunity to complete a feedback survey will be mutually agreed upon by both the employee and his/her supervisor.

Each unlimited and seasonal employee is encouraged to have an individual developmental plan on file if needed to improve present performance, 为晋升机会做好准备, 承担新的责任, 承担职业发展目标, 或者如果员工想要的话. The individual development plan shall be reviewed and updated at the time of the annual performance review and shall be monitored during the appraisal period. A 专业发展计划 is required if the employee plans to request an allocation of staff development funds, 或者是否存在性能缺陷.

第4部分. 评估报告: 完成绩效评估过程后, the supervisor and employee will meet to review and discuss the results of the evaluation. The supervisor and employee will discuss the components of the evaluation process and the implications they may have for improvement. 主管将填写绩效评估表. The 专业发展计划 will be attached to the evaluation. The final 绩效考核 document will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. The employee and supervisor will receive copies of all review documentation; however, the on-line customer service assessment data will not be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

第5部分. 上诉过程: An employee has a right to provide a written response to the evaluations in the employee’s personnel file. An employee may also file an appeal of the performance review consistent with DOER Administrative Procedures 21.
